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Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse!

The IRS, using deceit and fraud, illegally administers and enforces the federal income tax system.

April 19, 2015

Joseph Banister is the only IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent ever to investigate allegations that the IRS, using deceit and fraud, illegally administers and enforces the federal income tax system and then report his investigation results to his IRS superiors and later to the American people.


Rather than address legitimate concerns raised by one of the agency’s own criminal investigators, Banister’s IRS superiors suspiciously refused to address IRS wrongdoing raised in his report and instead encouraged him to resign.  


Observing that IRS management intended to cover up the deceit and illegal conduct alleged in his report and elsewhere, Banister had no choice but to resign from his position so that he could report his findings to the American public, in effect having to resign from his office in order to abide by his oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution.

Proof that Paying Federal Income Tax is Voluntary

April 5, 2014

Over years of studying government tyranny, monetary reform and freedom, I’ve run across a lot of information about how unconstitutional the US Income Tax is, how the 16th Amendment was never ratified by the requisite number of states, and how there’s really no law that compels citizens to pay Federal Income Tax. 

One of the best documentaries on this topic was the late Aaron Russo’s film “From Freedom to Fascism”. At one of Ron Paul’s early campaign rallies in the Bay Area in July, 2007, I even arranged for Joe Banister, a former IRS enforcement agent and whistleblower living locally in San Jose to speak about the topic. A lot of the arguments seemed very convoluted to me, and for sure nothing seemed clear enough that you could take on the IRS and a heavy-handed judiciary and expect to come away unscathed.

Watch these vidoes on our YouTube channel.

"There is No Law Requiring You to Pay Income Tax".

"There is NO LAW to pay tax."

"IRS Insider Joe Banister Exposes Federal Reserve Coup and IRS Fraud"

Canada's Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional

April 5, 2014

Here are excerpts from a paper that was delivered in October, 1991, by Mr. Murray Gauvreau, of Alberta, at a seminar of the Canadian League of Rights, in Calgary, which was published in the July, 1992 issue of "The Canadian Intelligence Service" (55 - 8th Ave. S.E., High River , Alberta T1V 1E8)

Nobody is obligated to file or pay income taxes in CANADA?

June 4, 2013

You sheep! Keep paying taxes, property taxes, and keep being subjects to a foreign corporate fiction. 

"Their Law" only applies to government employees as clearly stated in The Constitution Act, 1982, schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11 section 32. which also includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

Then in section 52 it states that the Constitution of Canada is supreme Law of Canada. See section 32. See section 52. See section 32. See section 52........ etc. It only applies to government employees. 

If you have and use a S.I.N then you are a government employee. It really is quite simple. The Bill of rights applies only to government employees and can be taken away at any time.

Canada Revenue Agency - Debunking tax myths

April 5, 2014

Here is the counter argument from the CRA: 

There are groups and individuals in Canada who claim that people can lawfully refuse to pay taxes or file a tax return. Others try to cash in on misunderstandings about tax laws.

In an open and free democracy like Canada, citizens have every right to freely express their opinions on the constitution, taxes, or any other issue. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is concerned, however, that individuals who mistakenly confuse opinions with facts may expose themselves to serious financial and legal problems if this results in their failure to comply with the Income Tax Act and other tax laws. 

Remember also that many groups and individuals stand to profit considerably from the perpetuation of certain tax myths. Don't let them profit at your expense! 

To help you understand the truth about taxes, the CRA wishes to address some misleading statements and myths about Canada's tax laws and the way they are administered. The CRA also strongly encourages you to always consult with a knowledgeable and trusted advisor before making any significant tax decision.

The Fuel Project “Know Your Enemy” – The Rothschilds

August 25, 2012

Consider taking the time to watch the documentary “Know Your Enemy” by Mark Fairley. It offers a comprehensive view of history and religious beliefs while revealing the various individuals and groups working toward creating a one world government that the Bible clearly tells us that satan will rule over mankind by. If you’d like to read the previous posts, they can be found here. Below is a very brief overview of the Rothschild family, if you should care to investigate further, google will provide much more information to investigate further. 


The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, as do the other Illuminati elite, and for this reason many people who have explored this subject have come to the conclusion that the Jews are the root of all evil in the world. You can’t go very far into an investigation like this without coming up against some vicious anti-Jewish sentiment.


Fortunately, as Christians, we are better placed to see what’s going on here and as with all things, it only makes sense when we view it through the lenses of the Bible. Hopefully our study thus far has helped highlight that wherever there is hatred for Jews we are dealing with a satanic spirit and not a Godly one. Satan simply despises God’s people.


The Rothschilds are in fact Khazars. They originate from a country called Khazaria which occupied the land between the Black and Caspian seas that is now mostly modern-day Georgia. The reason they claim to be Jewish is that the King of Khazaria converted to Judaism around 740AD. He then demanded that his whole kingdom convert too. Therefore the Rothschild’s ancestors were Jews in the sense that they had been forced to convert their faith to stay in line with the king’s. They couldn’t however, convert their Asiatic Mongolian genes to Jewish ones. It has been estimated that a large majority of people who call themselves Jews today are in fact descended from Khazaria and not from the Biblical Jews.


In God’s letter to Smyrna in Revelation, we hear about a time when there would be impostor Jews.


“I know about your suffering and your poverty—but you are rich! I know the blasphemy of those opposing you. They say they are Jews, but they are not, because their synagogue belongs to Satan.”- Revelation 2:9


The Rothschilds are one of these who claim to be Jews but really are not and they certainly belong to Satan as we shall soon discover. Why would they claim to be Jews? It’s the old Fifth Column trick again. Pretend to be the thing you wish to destroy. Remember the Jesuit oath: Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant… and even to descend so low as to become a Jew amongst the Jews…”


The Jesuits and Catholics were used to turn people against Christianity. Now the Illuminati pretended to be Jewish to turn people against the Jews. These are the two people groups Satan wants to destroy. Certainly secularists who have studied the Illuminati have turned on the Jews and there is a general rise in anti-Semitism happening in the world today as people perceive them to be at the root of much evil. The Rothschilds play a central role in this phenomenon as they are without doubt, the wealthiest family in the world, bar none. Some have estimated after tallying up the sum worth of all their business interests that they astonishingly control over half of the world’s wealth. Their bloodline also extends into the Royal families of Europe and into the other 12 Illuminati bloodlines we mentioned before. The occult practice of inbreeding has made sure their heritage is confined to a small gene pool. Add all this together and we have a dynasty of unimaginable influence.Many elite Khazarian Jews, or Ashkenazi Jews as they are more widely known, adopted the practice of changing their name whenever they entered a country in order for them to appear to be part of the dominant race of that country. Again, by becoming part of the system they intended to conquer, they could attain influential positions which they could then exploit for their own international ends.


This is indeed what the first ‘Rothschild’ did. Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Jew, was born in Frankfurt, Germany and he was the first one to change his name. He was the son of Moses Amschel Bauer who was a money lender who owned a counting house. Moses had placed a red hexagram above the door to the counting house and when his son Mayer was older, he changed his name based on this sign. He became Mayer Amschel Rothschild – “rot” means red in German and “schild” means sign (or shield). So they are named after the most wicked symbol in occultism.


With his name newly changed, he became acquainted with Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau and soon discovered through this meeting that lending money to governments and royalty was far more profitable than loaning to individuals. Not only were the loans bigger but they were secured against the taxes of the people making them relatively risk free.


It was in 1770, with the Jesuit order under significant threat that Mayer Rothschild began drawing up plans for the Illuminati and he entrusted the plans to fellow German Ashkenazi Jew, Adam Weishaupt, who he also financed. It may be that Weishaupt changed his name also which would explain why it literally translates as “the man to lead those who know”. In 1776 the Illuminati was ready to go into action armed with the Hegelian principle to stir up wars and fighting between people on political, economic, social and religious grounds. The Rothschilds would fund both sides of these disputes and encourage the muggles to fight amongst themselves. In the process they would destroy all national government, religious institutions and eventually each other. The end goal would be a synthesis of all things. A global hierarchical system.


A recruitment drive was on for the most educated and intelligent men in science, arts, finance and industry who were swayed with money from the Rothschild’s immense fortune. They were instructed to use the following methods to control people.


1. They were to use the lure of money and sex to obtain control of people in high places. Once these leaders had fallen into the trap, they would be blackmailed with threats of public exposure and financial ruin. Exactly how the Jesuits controlled people through the confessional booth.


2. Educational institutions were to be used to cultivate people from well bred families with international leanings. These future leaders were to be taught that the solution to the world’s problems was only to be found in one world globalism. Again, this is borrowed from Jesuit ideas.


3. All these students were then to be placed behind the scenes of all governments so they could advise the top executives and help form policies that would move the nation and world towards a global order. Hidden spiritual power behind public temporal power is straight from Babylon. They could then bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected to serve from within.


4. They saw the importance of the flow of information like the Catholics and sought to obtain absolute control of the press which was the only form of mass media at the time. All news could therefore be slanted in order to promote their agenda in the minds of the masses. As we saw earlier, they would also attempt to control the science and in the process create a type of religion called Scientism.


Now with that brief introduction out of the way we can finally get to the first major outworking of those principles – the French Revolution. It was in France that the Masonic elite first attempted to establish a Scientific Dictatorship Republic and in the process, overthrow the monarchy and ‘Christian’ religion.

Thank You
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