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Media Manipulation

Media Manipulation

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive! This category of media gems will make you laugh, cry, and vomit all at the same time. Watch how the media can be used to manufacture consent, promote an agenda, sway public opinion, anger the masses (i.e. rally the troops), and generally lie to us about what is really going on in the world. When nearly 90% of the media outlets on the planet are owned or controlled by a mere 6 major media corporations, how can the sheeples be so naïve as to believe they are getting the truth? Wake the Flock Up people!

Prescripting / Preplanning

Prescripting / Preplanning

This playlist examines how the media industry, which is controlled by the same cabal of owners who controlled the events of the day, literally advertised their intentions for years in advance in such movies and shows as Terminator, Back to the Future, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Die Hard, X-files, and others.See how these events were planned decades in advance, and the date of 9/11/01 was chosen on purpose for numerous reasons (see Occult Connections).

False Flags

False Flags

According to Wikipedia, the term False flag (or black flag) describes covert operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation.

9/11 Conspiracy?

9/11 Conspiracy?

Which conspiracy theory to you believe, the government's?

Boston Bombings

Boston Bombings

The globalists struck another blow to freedom in America on April 15, 2013 during the annual running of the Boston Marathon. Two patsies were blamed for this mass casualty event known as a hyper-reality training exercise and a psychological operation designed to garner support for further restrictions on explosives component sales, and to test public reaction to the suspension of Posse Comitatus, or military boots on the ground in a major American city.

Geoengineering, Global Warming HAARP

Geoengineering, Global Warming HAARP

With the help of the mainstream media propaganda machine and payoffs to government funded climatologists, the globalist elites, led by Al Gore, have managed to psychologically brainwash the masses to believe the global warming deception, and that man's activities are creating it through the burning of fossil fuels. Nothing can be further from the truth. Weather modification has been going on since the 1950's and the globalists have literally been re-writing weather records to perpetuate the lie

Vaccines - Safe or Not?

Vaccines - Safe or Not?

The medical community and the CDC have programmed us for decades to "get vaccinated" to immunize ourselves against a wide range of possible diseases. As safe as they these vaccines may be, most people are shocked to learn that NO double-blind, placebo-controlled, vaccine studies have ever been done to prove the efficacy of these statements. In fact, numerous whistle-blowers from inside & outside the CDC have contradicted these claims, pointing to fraudulent internal studies. You decide!

Holocaust or Holohoax?

Holocaust or Holohoax?

The zionist-based globalists, also known as the New World Order, are the secret society of evil masters who have been controlling the propaganda message for decades. They have been so successful at distorting the message that they have completely fabricated the truth surrounding one of the most widely-believed events of World War II, the deliberate extermination of 6 million jews in the gas chambers of eastern Europe. But did this actually happen as the history books would have us believe?

Entertainment Industry Messages

Entertainment Industry Messages

Ever wondered why certain messages and codes are used within the context of so many movies? What are some examples? And what are they trying to tell us? Find the answers here.

Sandy Hook School Shootings

Sandy Hook School Shootings

The 12/14/12 alleged mass school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CN, was a perfect example how staging, crisis acting gone bad, inconsistent stories, and pre-set agenda can clash in unpredictable ways to reveal how the mass media machine and public officials can attempt to mislead us to further their higher purposes. Watch and be amazed at the deception unfolding! The Flock is Waking Up!

Ottawa Shooting Hoax

Ottawa Shooting Hoax

We are not amused. Canada has now joined the global club of False Flag Terrorism that has quickly resulted in its own version of the US Patriot Act, called Bill C51, that has now stolen the liberty and freedoms of its citizens. Don't be Sheeple Canada. Time to Wake Up!

Politics, Money, War, Terror & Oil

Politics, Money, War, Terror & Oil

JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination

Learn the facts and fiction surrounding the public execution of John F. Kennedy on 11/22/62 by, what we believe includes, none other than a conspiratorial group of corrupt killers including Lyndon B. Johnson, the CIA (a.k.a. George Bush Sr.), the FBI (J. Edgar Hoover), Big Oil, the Mob, and the military industrial complex, all funded by the international bankers (the Rothschilds) who stood to benefit by funding the military war build-up that LBJ approved after the coup d'état.

Moon Landing

Moon Landing

NASA's photographic record of what is stated as being Mankind's greatest achievement - Landing a man on the Moon and returning him to Earth - is seriously in question. A feat undertaken by the U.S. military between 1969 - 1972. There is a plethora of problems with the photographic record that indicates only that the record is falsely being promoted as the authentic record of that historic period of the US Space flight history.

Police State

Police State

Police forces were originally recognized under the moniker to "serve and protect". Now, with the recent militarization of police forces around the world, dominance and civilian control seems to be their new purpose. Learn more here.

Symbolism, Satanism, & the Occult

Symbolism, Satanism, & the Occult

The globalists, New World Order, Illuminati, and Free Masons all employ the same evil foundation of satanic worship, witchcraft, and ancient techniques of sorcery used for thousands of years to tap into the power of demonic spirits and satanic worship. Learn more about their secret ways, their many symbols, and their everyday messages hidden in plain sight.

New World Order

New World Order

The globalists, also known as the New World Order, are the secret society of evil masters who control the totalitarian governments of the world - our puppet masters. Learn more about this prophetic socialist regime that disguises itself as a benign association of regional financial, political, and religious organizations trying to unite under one centrally controlled hive of puppet masters.

NWO - Free Masons - Illuminati

NWO - Free Masons - Illuminati

The Illuminati

The Illuminati

Perhaps the most-renowned secret society on the planet, this group of evil-doers has been vilified by countries, governments, and the Roman Catholic Church for centuries. Are they real? Do they still exist? What is their agenda? Have you ever wondered?

Military Weapons

Military Weapons

The military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about in the 1960's, is alive and well and in full control of the New World Order, globalist cabal.



"All Truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer.

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