The Zionist Project 2. Israel 9/11, All The Pieces
On the morning of 9/11, shortly after the attacks, Ehud Barak appeared at the BBC World Studio in London. He presented a list of Israel's...

Aircraft Parts and the Precautionary Principle
Source Article Impossible to Prove a Falsehood True: Aircraft Parts as a Positive Clue to Aircraft Identity The precautionary principle...

Over 350 Passengers Canceled Their Reservations or Didn't Show Up for the Hijacked 9/11 Flights
Thank you to Shoestring 9/11 for this fantastic blog that has been very well-researched and referenced. We have highlilghted notable...

We Have Some Holes in the Plane Stories
Where there is much desire to learn, There of necessity will be much arguing, Much writing, many opinions; for opinion In good men is...